Sunday, March 05, 2006
3-Day Sale!
Yey! Sale! I just bought pants and a couple of shirt. But I think my allergy's flared up again because of all the dust. My gosh. Anyway, I have to enlarge my wardrobe for college.
For the past two days I've been going to school. Doing what? Nothing. The members of the group I'm with don't want to show up! Urgh! Of course, I wasted so much of my time again. I could've watched a movie this afternoon, but I had to stay in school hoping against hope that many would show up. I was disappointed. I should never have expected this much of them. So hateful!
Anyway, I have to go home. My parents will kill me!
Friday, March 03, 2006
The Life Here and Now 2
Anyway, regarding my previous blog, nobody did anything after the prom that's worth putting here. Nothing controversial, as far as I know.
I'm sitting here right now, contemplating my future. Wow. That's a bit heavy. But we must always think of our future, right?
We just finished our exams (the graduating batch)! We'll just go to school for completion of our requirements... Stuff like that. But what's most important is my last month in this school will be spent with friends. I think I just want to secure my ties with the people I've spent four years with before parting for living in another chapter of our lives. I long the days without the usual tense atmosphere that plagues our lives. Sa wakas, matatapos na ang high school!
The exams were the usual. Some were quite hard. Some didn't need higher order thinking skills. But they all affect me and my future. That's why I haven't slept enough hours for the past few days. I was thinking that I'd be taking my final exams and I want to make good! I can't neglect them because I'll never get the chance to improve them later. But as usual, I always find some excuse not to study. One afternoon I decided to go with some friends to have lunch in this Mogolian restaurant. I said to myself that I want to help them in their feasibilty study (we already finished ours, me and my groupmates), but I just really wanted to get away from my books for the moment. Of course, my dilly-dallying caused me precious time. Precious sleeping time! I only spent three hours of sleep that night. I had to stay up late to study. What's most disappointing is that the exams I took the next day were so easy that I feel I didn't have to study them to pass (no joke)! I guess it was my punishment for not doing things in their proper time. I learned my lesson, in a dreadful sleepy way so the next day, I went home early, then I slept the whole afternoon sleeping. I was so refreshed after I woke up, I wanted to study right away. But I had the worst of luck. What I didn't study came out of the test this morning so I'm not sure I'd pass that subject. But hey! I always do. But there's always a first time, right?
Last week I had an onterview in De La Salle University-Manila. I'm a candidate for theri Star Scholarship Program so I had to show up during for an interview for me to be screened. It was just a fifteen-minute interview, but I had to go. I was out of school for two days. Anyway, the plane ride going to Manila was uneventful. I just scalded my tounge with hot coffee. Upon arriving in Manila (it was my first time, by the way), the first thing I noticed was the skyline. Or horizon. Whatever. It was so dark with smog! I had to bend my head so far back my neck to see a blue prtion of the sky. And to think I was breathing this filthy air. My lungs! My poor lungs! I'm an asthmatic, by the way.
We were picked up by a friend of my mom's. After that, we were dropped off at DLSU. We had to visit the school before the interview. We didn't want to get lost a few minutes before the interview. My mom and I decide to visit the dean of the college I applied to. He was so kind to give me tips for my one o'clock interview. After that, he toured us around the campus even htough he had an appoinment with someone and we just walked in his office! He was so kind to do that. I think he really wanted me to study in DLSU. He kept saying, "Dito ka na!"
After the tour, we met another friend of my mom's and had lunch. I didn't enjoy it very well (I had one half of a chicken and two cups of rice, but I didn't enjoy it), because of my tongue. Remember?
After lunch, we want back and relaxed in my "future" school's hallways. The people there were dressed normally enough that I didn't feel out of place at all. It was kind of peaceful. Before the interview, I had a chat with my friend from my school who's also a candidate.
It really was a short interview. I don't want to go into the details. I steel feel awkward thinking about it right now.
So after the interview we rushed to the airport. The flight home was the weird one. I hate being inside a nimbus cloud! It's so dark and I couldn't see anything! Needless to say, it was raining when we arrived home. Home at last!
I'm now waiting for the result of my interview. I hoped I get in! I would so like to get the scholarship. Wish me luck!!!