Pass the Mayo.


pat quezon

i am not a huggy person. i give hugs rarely. and only to the best people.
i love big dogs.
i can be a morning person, if need be. if not, i am very cranky.
i am not very fond of balloons. nor clowns.
i hate small talk.
i chew the tip of my straws if and when i use them.
i enjoy 'fake' strawberries.
i'm very good at licking ice cream, but bad at biting burgers.
i love my stapler.
you'll know it when i don't hear you when i smile a lot.
i am the most un-romantic person i know.
contrary to popular belief, i do cry easily.
i bite.



March 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
February 2009
March 2009
August 2010
November 2010
February 2011

Monday, October 29, 2007
Hair Post

Hmmm. It seems that people are braver now that classes are semi-over, hence the hair risks. I soooooo want to shave my head, though I fear that that would only emphasize its huge-ness. Or my lambdoidal ridge. I still have two weeks to grow it out, though. So to shave (or at least cut most of it away) or not to shave...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Two things:

1. NOT taking the OC removals.
2. You are finally free. You got something you deserve, and I wasn't the one to give it to you. Moving on kicks ass!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
I'm home!

Now I must go to sleep. Been up since 5 p.m. yesterday and if I keep this up, books will remain unread. :D

Monday, October 22, 2007
Vacation Mode

So [hopefully] I just took the last exam for the semester. That means the last exam for Organic Chemistry! The preparation was actually quite meaningful for me, if not fun in the least bit. I got to see The Other Side, and as told by Ginger Foutley it is much greener. Review sessions (fine there was only one) were laborious, especially with us skipping lunch because we were so addicted to those reactions, mmmmm. But what touched me most was the effort that the people invested in that one session, just so they can see out of this thing successfully. They walked with us even if they didn't have to, and that made all the difference in the world. Sabi nga ni Diyosa, "Hindi ako titigil sa pag-aaral hangga't alam kong walang magre-removals." So for everything that you people have done, THANK YOU! iMed 2013, 34 STRONG!

So now I'm done with acylhalide-ROOH-anhydride-ROH-ester-H+/HOH-carboxylicacid! And all those stuff that I so wanna be without. Goodbye arene diazonium (although you were quite fun). Goodbye ortho-para/meta directors! Goodbye OC! I shall not miss you.

So now I'm burying myself under all the books that I have been hoarding for the past ten months and hope hope hope that I finish them all in time (asa).

Oh. There's NMAT. *sigh* But first of all, there's packing to do! No, not effective packing, but packing actual clothes! Yeeeeeeees, home. ♥

Sunday, October 21, 2007
I still am my parents' baby

Haha. And after being 18 for almost 5 months now (now meaning me typing, not you reading), I do admit that I still am very much dependent on my parents.

So what do you do when you plan to study for The Final Exam for the subject that you absolutely abhor, fall asleep while hoping you won't have to take it, bolt upright after realizing the sun is already up, and find out that you really really have to take the God-forsaken Exam that's only an hour away?

You panic.

All you can do is rip the bandage of and deal with the pain (plus hope all your clotting factors are up and about). But when you walk to the bathroom and take your Final Bath, you realize that God made parents for a reason.

Then you call them up separately (one's already at work and one woke up to the sound of a ringing phone) and ask if they can find a way to move your flight home so you can take The Finals at the appointed date with much preparation. Then you cry and break down and go to sleep reassured that you have a way to redeem yourself.

Then you hear their voices again and heave a huge sigh of relief. That for three more days you get to live. And yes, there's that chance of seeing them again (+ 3 pesky brothers).

So you go to Zee Eh-Poht and flirt and smile to everyone so that you won't get that much of a hard time having your flight re-booked and your ticket re-printed for the nth time. Then you panic because you did not think to bring that much cash to pay for the re-booking fee then flash a huge smile after realizing that the girl-at-the-counter-person-whatever is just teasing/confirming.

Then tell your parents that you had your ticket re-printed. Then go back to sleep, wake up, and kick yourself in the gluteus maximus. Oh, throw in a little Avatar, too.

Bottom line: I love my folks.

Saturday, October 13, 2007
Just a Thought

Hmmm. Matt living with Mohinder in that run-down apartment to help take care of Molly is just so gay.

Thursday, October 11, 2007
221: Honorable Men

Well. I just had to watch that scene all over again after discovering that I understood it all wrong.

Honorable men are all built the same. Do you know when to walk away? Do you know when NOT to take less than you deserve? If you do then you're an honorable man.

Yes, proopiomelanocortin much?


Shout out to my great buddy AA (no she's not a battery Ü) who managed to get a flat friggin' one for Math 17. And who knows what else. And for being humble and gracious at that. Ang gaaaaaaaling ng line namin. Maybe it's only Pat who sucks, haha. Oh well.


Yes I have been to the Powerbooks warehouse today. And it was very tiring.


So after the Bio cleaning session I went down the stairs with Cedie poo. I was in a big hurry when I remembered Miggy wasn't with me (who was supposed to be my guide and all). So I went back to the third friggin' floor only to find out that he wasn't coming with me. :( So there's that.

Train ride to the EDSA-Taft intersection was quite uneventful. Then after walking some towards the MRT station I saw this looong (three O's for emphasis) line of people waiting to be admitted into the station. Since there are two entrances, I checked out the other line. The on farther from the LRT station. And the line wasn't as long (I have issues with bandwagons and line formations). So la la la I got a ticket and ran past people to make it.

Then I got down at Shang. I didn't know where to get a taxi from there to the warehouse so I texted the Atlas and walked around aimlessly inside the mall instead of hurrying to the outside to walk around aimlessly outside the mall. But then I got bored and decided to go out anyway. To my horror, what I expected to be a very constant flow of public utility vehicles turned out to be stuck cars on one side and a vacant road on the other. So that's that. Finding a taxi proved to be difficult, especially since I do NOT know the area, so I got the idea that I could walk towards the warehouse, since I had maps (ew jologs) with me and I had the location tattooed on my retina.

La la la and long Shaw when my feet started to ache. Then I realized that my last meal was that IPC pig out session (which was half a day or so away) and I haven't slept a full night. Stupehd. When I got along Pioneer things were worsening. One side of the road: heavy traffic. Then at the other you can walk without getting hit by a vehicle, but still violating traffic rules.

The "transit" from Pioneer to the little street to get to Brixton was not quite easy as I expected. It was really very far and I thought that I was going to drop dead from a) sheer exhaustion; b) asthma attack. And when I was finally approaching that area marked in my brain, landmarks in my brain-map and the actual ones did not jive. So I panicked a bit, but decided on a what-the-hell turn. It turned out to be a good decision since not long after being showered at the side of that Snow Bear candy factory place whatever I saw a glorious Powerbooks sign on the side of a huge gate. So I silently shouted an in-your-face-stupid-landmarks shout of triumph then went inside.

Only to be stopped by the guard.

To be greeted with a "good afternoon, sir."

Then on to the outlet. Which proved to be chaotically arranged. And not all of my dream books were there. Actually, NONE of my dream books were there(CY the one you told me about? I already have it). So I proceeded to do a Sedaris+Gossip Girl shopping for Cheska. Then after successfully completing that, I hunted my own books. Only to get hugely disappointed. After looking at every friggin' spine for at least 2 hours, I decided that I had to buy something or else my trek had been for naught. So I doubled the Sedaris pile. And tossed in the only Anne Rice available. Crap.

And after the major letdown, I decided to walk towards Boni Station since I could not find any taxi and I was too chicken to ride a tricycle for fear of being brought to God knows where. So walk I went. You could imagine that by this time I was tired (not to mention hungry and weak) as hell. But walk I did anyway. Until I stumbled into a 7/11. Thank God for 7/11. So I decided to shoot up in glucose to prepare myself for the homebound journey. To get my feet of the ground/floor for a bit was heaven as I had been on them for the last few hours. after that bit, walk I did.

It came as a pleasant, but very still irritating surprise that the warehouse was nearer to Boni than to Shaw. So I mentally kicked myself, but congratulated myself, too, for not deciding to go back the way I came. Then after getting to the station (God bless trains, even if I always feel like I was being squashed sardine-style) and getting into the train, I breathed a sigh of utter relief. Then I was able to sit down come Buendia, only to be crowded by a tall guy who's crotch was practically in my face two stations after. Sh*t.

Then LRT to home. I always get, erm, high when I get to the Quirino Station. It always means home. And bed. And sleep. And pillows. And sleep? I feel a sense of safety, even if I do live in a red light district. There came a point when the thump-thump of Malate came very close to a lullaby. And it now is, HAHA.

So I slept and woke up in darkness, only to discover that I practically ditched Nil and our OrgChem plans. Then I went for a walk (plus ice cream plus Coke). It's something akin to smoking for those people. Have I not had enough walking for the day? Apparently not.

Now I must sleep. For tomorrow is Physics day. Blech.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007
220: You got in the face of a drug dealer!

Bailey rocks. :D

They say you don't kick the habit until you hit rock bottom. But how do you know when you're there? Because no matter how badly a thing is hurting us, sometimes, letting it go hurts even worse.

But I think I've moved on. I'm pretty sure about it. But why can't you just let go? You deserve better. So walk away...

Friday, October 05, 2007
219: Pushing Daisies

And I think I'm in love with the show. It's just like a series (not to mention English) version of Amelie, which I love btw, so I'm gonna keep watching.

And Private Practice doesn't disappoint either. I just love how bipolar Cooper is. Pete is just, erm, off. Eh.

Physics was v. bad today. Really. 3.5 hours of it was hell. Most of it was spent daydreaming, though.

Thursday, October 04, 2007
218: Christmas is soooooo here

Haha. It's the Philippines. Christmas is always the most anticipated time of the year. Why? We students get more sleep during Christmas breaks (or we get even less sleeping time though what keep us up are things that we so love doing). We get to eat a lot without ever feeling the slightest guilt. We get to go home to our love ones. Or they come to us. And there are the gifts. Ah, the gifts.

Oh no. I promised myself not to do a Christmas post before December, but here I am, typing away. Maybe it's because nothing says "Merry Christmas" better that a huge tarpaulin sign for "Vagina Repair" with red Christmas lights around its perimeter, joyfully singing "Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer."

I am infected with the Maui virus. Blech. Of all people.

My iPod is now encased in plastic. All thanks to the half-off sale due to the arrival of the new iPods. Eck.

Nat Sci 5 exams are always sabaw. I always prepare for the items that NEVER come out. And the ones I skip are, well, there. Le sigh.

Anyway, the iMed people, as early as Now, have picked their beneficiaries for the Christmas season. No, I'm not talking about charities or some such benevolent venues. Our beneficiaries are, obviously, ourselves.

This morning-slash-afternoon when we did an experiment dealing with fishes and their environment's carbon dioxide level to monitor their respiratory-and-nervous functions, one set-up made us laugh and scream and wonder. One fishy gave friggin' birth. We put two fishies and we ended up with six of the little 'uns. Where the hell did they come from? They don't do the live birth stuff so the mommy fish couldn't have been typically pregnant. They lay eggs, don't they? So external fertilization only took about 20-30 minutes to make new fishies? Where where where?

That was very creepy.

Anyway. Christmas is here. And NBS is taking advantage of it. I wonder. How many trees have they sold...?

Wednesday, October 03, 2007
217: When you don't want to study for OC

Creme brulee can never be Jell-O. YOU can never be Jell-O.

I lurve Jell-O. Jell-O=♥.

Oooooh. And I saw a sneak preview of Stardust today!

I looooooved Yvaine's monologue. Although it was too long for me to keep track of. But I thought of you the whooooole time. :D