Pass the Mayo.


pat quezon

i am not a huggy person. i give hugs rarely. and only to the best people.
i love big dogs.
i can be a morning person, if need be. if not, i am very cranky.
i am not very fond of balloons. nor clowns.
i hate small talk.
i chew the tip of my straws if and when i use them.
i enjoy 'fake' strawberries.
i'm very good at licking ice cream, but bad at biting burgers.
i love my stapler.
you'll know it when i don't hear you when i smile a lot.
i am the most un-romantic person i know.
contrary to popular belief, i do cry easily.
i bite.



March 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
February 2009
March 2009
August 2010
November 2010
February 2011

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

This thing is so gonna last forever. Or at least the adult equivalent of it, haha. No matter how I keep downplaying it, there are just moments that the sun shines downs on you and everything is right in the world.

Kasi sa harap niya, namamatay ako. Or words to that effect. -Secret

Monday, September 29, 2008
Up for new stuff


Sunday, September 28, 2008
Simple urbanity might not come amiss

Nagiging ampunan ang bahay namin. Me. Not. Liking. It.

Monday, September 22, 2008
B*tchy. Much.

It just ticks me off that people post "Go away, do not disturb" as their YM status message. If you really don't want to be bothered, go offline, then. Simple.

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Britney is like, HEART

Best line of the night (Dinj to Ardynne): You treacherous bitch!

KPMM Revisited

When there are hours to burn and bored med students with laptops, throw in movie class projects minus the lights, and you get an instant theater. And embarrassment.

Let me elucidate.

Last Friday lecturers were scarce. Maybe they had to attend a 2013's Lecturers' Convention somewhere? I dunno. Anyway, some classmates decided to watch movies that the class made for a project last semester. When a local disturbance- i.e. boisterous laughter- caught the attention of the general public, a few interrogations were made, and a discovery was made. To the horror (or secret pride) of a few, the Lateral Entrants population cheered for the movies to be moved to the Big Screen (a white board, LCD projector, and lousy sound system).

The crowd was quite small when the first movie was playing- which was not ours. The same blunders were being laughed at (ehem, dancers), the same areas were being cheered for. I must say, it's quite different seeing the Jackpot (or Dyakpat, I forget) after a long time of NOT watching it incessantly. You get to appreciate the overall plot, although some stupid part of you still kept on nagging at the details.

Anyway, when it was our movie's turn to be shown, the Director at first did not want it exposed to the public. But due to public demand (which was growing by the minute), the instigator of it all (Miguel, ehem!) excitedly played the no-subtitles version of KPMM (which I'm sad to learn that some of my groupmates still cannot, for the life of them, memorize the unabridged form, that is- Ang Kapanapanabik na Pakikipagsapalaran ni Manuel Magiting).

It was still funny. But comparing it with the first group's output (bar the rape + kidnap scenes), our movie was quite serious. Hello, autism, suicide, teenage pregnancy, parental love, drugs, and homicide. But what was quite funny was that people did not recognize me, playing my character. It took them quite a while to realize that it was I who was pseudo-driving that trike. After watching the movie, I can feel that all of us who participated in making those movies glowed with inner pride at such accomplishments.

Immediately after the lights were turned on, people only had two things to say to me:
1. That they didn't recognize my being the driver 'til after a moment of guesswork/elimination.
2. Did I really know how to drive a motorcycle?

It was all good fun, and it made me love the iMed gang more, bar a specific someone. Or several. But meh. I hope we could all hang out again. I miss being sick to death of seeing the same 33 faces for weeks at times. Oh heck. If we really wanted to, we could, roight?

Sunday, September 14, 2008
I Quit

Because some things aren't worth thinking about.
Because they aren't worth caring for.
Because some are just too depressing to consider.
Because I give a lot, but get absolutely nothing.
Because it's plain wrong.
Because I'm angry and sad at the same time.
Because without any addition, it's oh-so-perfectly right.
Because it's stupid.
Because I'm tired.

Monday, September 08, 2008
Buko Pie Bonanza

Nothing beats an afternoon with a bunch of PGIs talking (and heartily laughing our hearts out) about the things they accuse we know nothing about. We just solved Marfan's Syndrome, dammit! :D

And some things (albeit pushed up right below my nose) just take precedence. The way it tastes, for once, makes it more appreciated. I just don't know if the things farther down the list appreciates their being there.

Thursday, September 04, 2008
We're Lefties, Matey!

But some things are just meant to be ogled at from a safe distance.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Because a blue one would be delish

Gosh. Because of this event called LM, I text like a hundred times a day. Which is quite negligible compared to others, yeah, but that's something for me. Especially since I just have 3 constant textmates: may dad/mom for begging money, Cedes for catharsis, and my landlady for my laundry. Anyway, now that I have the time -sort of- I decided to free up some space in my phone's inbox. But found out that there were just to many to pick which goodies to save, so I am now thanking Mr. Delete All.

How mundane. I have nothing interesting to say, but deleting my messages.