Pass the Mayo.


pat quezon

i am not a huggy person. i give hugs rarely. and only to the best people.
i love big dogs.
i can be a morning person, if need be. if not, i am very cranky.
i am not very fond of balloons. nor clowns.
i hate small talk.
i chew the tip of my straws if and when i use them.
i enjoy 'fake' strawberries.
i'm very good at licking ice cream, but bad at biting burgers.
i love my stapler.
you'll know it when i don't hear you when i smile a lot.
i am the most un-romantic person i know.
contrary to popular belief, i do cry easily.
i bite.



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February 2011

Sunday, December 30, 2007
8 Mornings

And this post may be a week late.

So I traded my wish of you for something more worthwhile. Something here. Something now. Something sure. And it was great.

A lot of people came home for Christmas! The whole maternal side of the family was almost complete for the Surprise Pink Party we were throwing one of our beloved aunts who turned 60. Having a lot of people at home leaves you sleeping on the couch, or wherever you might find appropriate space, but I'd never trade the fun. And The Siblings were at last complete for the first time in 14 years! Anyhow.

So you know that when you complete your 9 mornings of Misa de Gallo you get to make a wish right? But who needs that to make a wish? I can make wishes all the time. But I digress. I wished for one thing last year, wished for it again on my birthday, and it just doesn't stick. But after 8 days of waking up before the crack of dawn to take a frigid shower just to show up at Church with teeth chattering, I was faced with a simple question. So I made a choice.

Last week-ish, I had my first alcoholic drink, YEY me! Haha. I know my classmates and friends have been drinking for quite a while now, but I haven't really gotten around to trying it. I am surrounded by a bunch of prudes, you know. JOKE. Anyway, when one of my aunts suggested that I go with the older cousins (2 from the States and 1 from Cebu), I quickly looked at my dad and when he volunteered to be chaperon I hesitantly said yes.

And it was so much fun. The First Drink - Screw Driver. And the whole time I was gulping down the orange-y goodness, I kept on thinking about Hard Candy, haha. And the talk was flowing, and we were getting rowdy, we were shouting in the car on the way home, but my dad stayed sober so we could all go home safely. Yey. At home I thanked my cousins for letting me in on their group. Apparently it was a free-form tradition. From cousin to cousin to cousin. Awww. Anyway, I had to sleep.

But then I had to wake up in 2 hours for the last Misa de Gallo.

I didn't sleep a wink because I was too excited. But finally when the exhaustion took over, the alarm went off! I sat up and thought, I think I'm doing this for THAT reason and I think I know pretty well that I can never be that person for THAT git. So I traded my wishing rights for something in the here and now: sleep, and security that tomorrow will bring not a hang-over, but a clarity delivered by that choice. And I'm happy for it.

Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas!

Have a good one. ♥

Thursday, December 20, 2007
I loved you with a fire red

Now it's turning blue. And don't turn scientific on me.

There's something doubly liberating about shaving your head after hearing your mom specifically forbidding you to. Naughty me. :D

And finally, I've now seen the last ep of Pushing Daisies. I must say, Olive's holy-mother-of-whatever look lasted a wee bit too long.

Being home so far has earned me the name Errand Boy. *sigh* Family does tend to slowly delete the boundaries of your personal space. Especially with bug families like mine.

I took a peek at my presents last night and I ended up jumping for joy, silently screaming in the middle of the night (which I fear I must recapitulate come Christmas eve). Now the only things I could want for this year are fair judgment and YOU (whoever you may be, what the eff is taking so long?).

Nutella + Cream Cheese = ♥

Closing Time

Is it wrong to be happy at someone's expense? Someone you thought you loved? Even if that someone wanted you to be?

So now that I've dealt with that part of my life, am I really ready to open up something entirely new? One that might risk the scorn of everyone I love? Well I just might have to keep it. For now.

Deets? Kwento!

Saturday, December 15, 2007
New thing

This was supposed to be for yesterday but here goes...

I think I've never blushed over someone before. Flushed from fever or exertion maybe, but no. I think I've never blushed over someone before. I think I liked the feeling that went along with it. ♥

Anyway, we ended the calendar year with an exam, and what an exam it was. I hope those who lost their papers find them soon.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Cidade de Deus

And those of us who wanted a sedentary ACLE got a treat. No, it was not the embarrassing video clip that showcased our dancing prowess last TRP. It was the actual thing that we went for-the movie. It was the most mortifying thing I've ever seen. Yes, even more so than Hard Candy and Anatomie.

The whole thing was a conglomeration of curses, shaky cameras, trigger-happy guys, and utter depression caused by poverty. And I think I loved it. I always like movies that are collection of different stories all tied up together. To know in the end that all that cringe-worthy shoot-outs were real events makes me realize that at least I'm lucky I don't live in that situation. But the real (sick) twist is that in the end (if you want to watch it don't read the next few words) the Runts, little boys who aren't even close to puberty, managed to take over The Business.

Anyway, I must must must turn in a good reaction paper on the morrow.

AND Natio has 1 copy (hardbound, of course) of Confessor on display! Who's to say there aren't more at the "back?" But I damn well know I can't buy it for a multitude of reasons that simply trumps the reasons that I have for me to buy the bloody book.

I hate "prior commitments."

Sunday, December 09, 2007
Mirror Images and Le Chatelier's Principle

Thankfully, NMAT is now over! But it's not as if I was ever worried about it. I'm not bragging. The tone here is more of indifference. They say it's just a formality since we IntarKids are already in the program. But some say we have to get past a certain cut-off rank. Let the first be so, let the first be so...

It wasn't what I expected at all. The first part (composed of Verbal, Inductive Reasoning, Quantitative, and Perceptual Acuity sub-tests) made me dizzy. They Perceptual Acuity part (which I'm fairly good at) made me so dizzy. Some choices in contending for the right answer were way too similar that the only thing things that could probably tell them apart are calipers and compasses. Of course, there's always the Reading Comprehension portion (which never fails to remind me of UPCAT's Bayawak) which will forever be on the Hate List. Because of the complexity of the Perceptual Acuity part, I ran out of time. So two minutes after the proctor called out "Time!" I was still busy scratching at my paper in the hopes of randomly picking at the correct answer.

The second part (Biology, Physics, Social Science, Chemistry) was [surprisingly] manageable! I even had a lot of time to review my answers. Bio had Botany which we never talked about for the whole of college so there goes that. Physics had electronics (were still stuck at fields, mind you) and optics (hello Sir Art) and waves! The waves part I can handle, but focal points and centers of curvature? Huh. Soc Sci was full of crap Psych (and I haven't had any units of that soooo). But the most surprising part was Chem! I have always hated Chem but hello Org Chem (which I took finals for so it's prolly still fresh) and Le Chatelier's Principle and Qc's (which I kind of loved, thanks to Sir William and a certain someone)!


This is turning out to be a very nerdy post....

So one to lighter stuff. NMAT has been an opportunity for the Lovers to show off their Lovin'. Okay there are three pairs, but who's to say there won't be more? Anyway, there was the gentle public cuddle/head cradle and HHWW from Pair 1, fries-feeding frenzy (alliterations, yum!) from Pair 2, and corny jokes and expressions of adulation-masked-as-flirty-annoyance from Pair 3. Now there prolly were more of this shiz goin' down (eep I sound ghetto), but to witness them all would prolly be too much an NMAT-saturated kid could handle.

So fates and flames were flying all around today, and I hope hope hope that all goes well.

Friday, December 07, 2007
I want a soundboard for Christmas

Sometimes having a condescending Developmental Biology teacher can have its rewards. Especially if she is funny despite the mismatched, gaudy outfits. Take note: funny (nakakatawa), not fun (nakakatuwa).

I should be doing a million other things right now besides typing this entry. Oh well.

NMAT is only 2 days away and I have not prepared a bit except finding my secret stash of mechanical pencil eraser refills. :D

I really don't want any other thing this Christmas except The Live Soundboard. Wantneedwantneed. And I miss the part of my life where I had someone in that capacity at my disposal. So what am I doing about it? Blogging. Pathetic.

Sunday, December 02, 2007
In Which Much Is Revealed

Do you know what it is to love someone, and never-never!- be able to give them peace, or joy, or happiness? To know you cannot give them happiness, not through any fault of yours or theirs, but only because you were not born the right person for them?

-Lord John Grey, Voyager

Curfew, anyone?

Spending n hours in North Harbor surrounded by huge trucks and trailers while counting down to curfew time was the second scariest thing that ever happened to me.

The first? Walking down Ma. Orosa way past curfew, with no one in sight, despite it being a weekend.